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Public: Headforum Board: Kicks & Bans / Appeal Thread: Banned For lagging
Banned For lagging Site: « 1 »
#1 at 25.10.2023 on 16:31h Quote this entry
Artillery Barrage
posts: 1
Happy halloween to everyone,

My name ingame is Artillery Barrage i have been banned permanently from server because of my bad internet connection few months ago , i know i got a lot of warns before from admins to fix my internet issues.
i would like to join the server again i really missed the atmosphere and fun moments i spent in the server.

Can you unban me please ?


last edited by Artillery Barrage at 26.10.2023 14:15h 
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#2 at 28.10.2023 on 21:26h Quote this entry
Leader (Head Admin)
posts: 603
Hi Artillery, your ban has been removed. Please make sure that no one has to complain about your connection soon. If we receive complaints from other players that it is unplayable with your connection, we will otherwise have to exclude you from the server again.

Have fun.

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